Anamaria Vasile

Cât au costat ținutele purtate de Meghan Markle în Africa de Sud! Suma este surprinzătoare

Meghan Markle (38 de ani) a optat pentru o garderobă low-budget pentru turul regal pe care l-a făcut recent în Africa de Sud. Ducesa de Sussex a purtat, în mare parte, piese „reciclate” și a evitat să apară în designeri de renume.

În turul regal anterior, Meghan Markle a purtat doar ținute luxoase, însă de această dată a optat pentru rochii modeste, neobișnuite pentru cineva care face parte din familia regală a Marii Britanii. Toate ținutele au costat în jur de 4.500 de euro, buget destul de restrâns având în vedere că în trecut Meghan Markle a purtat genți care au depășit lejer acest preț. În turul regal anterior, ducesa de Sussex a purtat haine în valoare de aproximativ 120.000 de euro, unde doar una dintre rochii, semnată de Oscar de la Renta, a costat peste 10.000 de euro

Dat fiind contextul, ducii de Sussex au considerat că este necesar să poarte piese vestimentare mai decente, din punct de vedere al prețului, relatează Daily Mail. Asta și pentru că au vrut să transmită un mesaj prin acest tur regal și nu și-au dorit să se vorbească prea mult despre ținutele ducesei. De asemenea, Meghan Markle a ales se îmbrace cu rochii pe care le-a mai purtat în trecut în public, lucru pe care îl face deseori și cumnata sa, Kate Middleton (37 de ani).

JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA – OCTOBER 02: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex visit Tembisa township to learn about Youth Employment Services (YES) on October 2, 2019 in Johannesburg, South Africa. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are on an official visit to South Africa. (Photo by Facundo Arrizabalaga – Pool/Getty Images)

JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA – OCTOBER 01: Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, Patron of the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) visits the University of Johannesburg on October 1, 2019 in Johannesburg, South Africa. (Photo by Tim Rooke – Pool/Getty Images)
JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA – OCTOBER 01: Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, Patron of the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) visits the University of Johannesburg on October 1, 2019 in Johannesburg, South Africa. (Photo by Tim Rooke – Pool/Getty Images)
epa07868260 Meghan, Duchess of Sussex,visits Woodstock Exchange, a women founders/social entrepreneurs event with Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex in Cape Town, South Africa, 25 September 2019. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are on an official visit to South Africa. Woodstock Exchange, the UK-SA Tech Hub focuses on skills development and access to markets by assisting entrepreneurs, particularly women, to acquire skills, resources and support. EPA-EFE/CHRIS JACKSON / POOL
epa07865280 Britsin’s Prince Harry (L), Duke of Sussex, and Meghan (R), Duchess of Sussex, arrive for a visit to the NGO ‘Waves for Change’ at Monwabisi Beach in Cape Town, South Africa, on September 24, 2019. Waves for Change supports local surf mentors to provide mental health services to vulnerable young people living in under resourced communities. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are on an official visit to South Africa. EPA-EFE/CHRIS JACKSON / POOL
CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA – SEPTEMBER 24: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex outside Auwal Mosque, the first and oldest mosque in South Africa, in the Bo Kaap district of Cape Town, during the royal tour of South Africa on September 24, 2019 in Cape Town, South Africa. (Photo by Toby Melville – Pool/Getty Images)
Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA – Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are seen during a visit to Auwal Mosque, the oldest mosque in South Africa in Cape Town. Meghan is seen wearing a traditional head scarf out of respect as she heads to the mosque.
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Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*, Image: 472866470, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN NETHERLANDS, Model Release: no, Credit line: BACKGRID / Backgrid USA / Profimedia
CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA – SEPTEMBER 24: Meghan, Duchess of Sussex visits Auwal Mosque on Heritage Day with Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex during their royal tour of South Africa on September 24, 2019 in Cape Town, South Africa. Auwal Mosque is the first and oldest mosque in South Africa and for the Muslim community, this mosque symbolises the freedom of former slaves to worship. (Photo by Tim Rooke – Pool/Getty Images)
epaselect epa07864432 Britain’s Prine Harry (R) and Meghan (L), Duke and Duchess of Sussex leave after visiting the District 6 Homecoming Centre in Cape Town, South Africa. 23 September 2019. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are on an official visit to South Africa. District 6 is a former inner-city residential area in Cape Town, where freed slaves, artisans, immigrants, merchants and the Cape Malay community lived. For over a hundred years, different communities and races lived side by side, and the District became known for its vibrant culture, music and food. In 1966, the government declared District Six a whites-only area, and over 60,000 residents were forcibly removed and relocated to the Cape Flats Township. EP EPA-EFE/FACUNDO ARRIZABALAGA
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex at the Nyanga Township in Cape Town, South Africa, for a visit to a workshop that teaches children about their rights, self-awareness and safety, during the first day of their tour of Africa., Image: 472583244, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Dominic Lipinski / Press Association / Profimedia
CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA – SEPTEMBER 23: Meghan, Duchess of Sussex and Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex visit The Justice Desk on September 30, 2019 in Cape Town, South Africa. The Justice Desk initiative teaches children about their rights and provides self-defence classes and female empowerment training to young girls in the community. (Photo by Ian Vogler – Pool/Getty Images)
epa07866895 Britain’s Prince Harry (L), the Duke of Sussex, and Meghan (R), the Duchess of Sussex, attend a reception for young people, community and civil society leaders at the Residence of the British High Commissioner in Cape Town, South Africa 24 September 2019. The British royals are on an official visit to South Africa. EPA-EFE/PAUL EDWARDS / POOL

CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA – SEPTEMBER 24: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex attend a reception for young people, community and civil society leaders at the Residence of the British High Commissioner, during the royal tour of South Africa on September 24, 2019 in Cape Town, South Africa. (Photo by Paul Edwards – Pool/Getty Images)

Turneul ducilor de Sussexz în Africa de Sud a durat 10 zile și s-a încheiat luni (1 octombrie). În ultima zi, Meghan Markle și prințul Harry (35 de ani) au vizitat un centru din Johannesburg, pentru a atrage atenția asupra nivelului critic de viață al tinerilor fără loc de muncă din Africa de Sud.

Pentru prințul Harry, acest tur regal în Africa de Sud a avut o însemnătate aparte. El încearcă astfel să ducă mai departe misiunea regretatei sale mame, prințesa Diana.

În Africa de Sud, Botswana, Angola şi Malawi, ducele de Sussex a abordat în zece zile numeroase teme dragi inimii sale, de la lupta împotriva feminicidului până la protecţia naturii, trecând prin eradicarea minelor antipersonal şi lupta împotriva SIDA.

„Am observat totuşi aici forţa, rezistenţa, o anumită speranţă şi empatie”, a spus prințul Harry după ce a vizitat Tembisa, o suburbie a celui mai mare oraș sud-african.